Blog Archives

A Visit From the ‘Rents


So I just plopped down on my couch at the end of a long day, and for the first time in a week, I don’t feel guilty about doing so. Why?

My mom left today. Took a 5:30 flight out of Hartsfield Jackson and here I sit in the normal 9pm semi-vegetative state, trying to give my loyal readers a bit more than a quick blurb about my latest creation while half-paying attention to one of my favorite childhood movies, Labyrinth.

So anyways, back to the guilty bit. My mother has an uncanny ability to make me feel awful when I decide to sit on my arse and kick up my feet. Just to clarify, I’m not a lazy person. Quite the opposite actually. But there’s some thing very unnerving about trying to relax while your mother, who has been neatening and cleaning all day long, is still energizer bunnying it up…. On her vacation no less.

She sees it as helping, and I won’t disagree with her. But it borders on OCD, which runs in the family. Thankfully (I think) it skipped a generation for yours truly.

So here I sit, doing my best potato impression. And thoroughly enjoying it. Tomorrow’s a new day. I’ll be heading down to At The Collective to drop off a bunch of wearable art! At The Collective Nighty night. Bed bugs bite. 😉

Getting REVved Up


Alright folks. This is my first time blogging from my iPhone via the wordpress app, so bear with me if there are any bumps in the road. I’m sitting at the Smyrna Spartans football field watching my five year old go through her Cheerleading routines and trying to figure out how to put this ‘alone’ time to good use. Here goes…

I’m currently in the process of building up my inventory for my first festival ever. What does this mean? It means I’m taking a wild ass guess at just how many necklaces, cuffs, rings, displays, blah blah blah, that I need to not look like a total amateur. Since there’s no fee to participate, it’s a good chance to make a profit…Something I’ve heard doesn’t usually happen til the fourth or fifth show. I also want to get my product and brand out in front of more people to boost my etsy traffic. So there’s the why, now the how. This is where it gets a little tricksy. I’m trying to balance getting the housework done (snore….this obviously gets done LAST everyday, until the dustbunnies appear to be mounting a unified army anyways…then I show them who’s boss) with finding the time to create before 9pm, when I’m just about in mom-burnt out-crash mode… When the seductive power of my couch is just too powerful for me to resist.

Right now it’s a losing battle…

So for any of you who are looking for good coffee, good food, good music and local art ~ come check out REV Fest on October 8th from 10 til 10, and see if I can pull it off!

Now off to cramming in a grocery shopping trip before I have to get back here to pick up kid # 1…. Zzzing!